Well, you CAN, but that would be up to God to punish. If you EXPRESS your doubts, and don't recant before a JC, you just bought the golden ticket to DFing.
Oh, yeah: some muslim extremists (eg Taliban) excommunicate with AK-47s.
that's what will next happen if anyone disrespects the governing body.. jws are just like muslim extremists!.
Well, you CAN, but that would be up to God to punish. If you EXPRESS your doubts, and don't recant before a JC, you just bought the golden ticket to DFing.
Oh, yeah: some muslim extremists (eg Taliban) excommunicate with AK-47s.
that's what will next happen if anyone disrespects the governing body.. jws are just like muslim extremists!.
Oh, it's actually much worse than that, if you stop and think about it: you don't even have to INSULT the prophet (GB), you just have to not BELIEVE or have doubts that they ARE the channel chosen by YWHW to communicate with mankind, and THAT'S grounds for DFing.
i began pondering about the reasons why this new light was made and have come to a few theories that may be plausible.
my conclusion is that the society is hell bent on eliminating the discrepancies to their authority.. .
the ancient lineage of the faithful and discreet slave - eliminated.
Leo said:
Notice also the Parable of the Talents: The Master goes away, and the slaves are judged as either faithful or wicked when the Master returns based on their conduct when he was away.
Not to mention the logical inconsistency of the master leaving (which in ancient times, essentially meant being incommunicado, a fundamental assumption underlying the parable) while claiming the GB as the sole channel of communication with God in order to receive "new light". You'd think that Jesus could observe the condition of his domestics from wherever he is, or at least ask a question or two about the status of the domestics (or at least say 'hi' when God sends a telegram from Heaven). God is SUPPOSED to be able to read thoughts, right? We've established the grounds for two-way communication here...
So they're also blowing the omnipresence trait of the master, since the master is described as being SURPRISED upon returning and DISCOVERING whether the head servant has been GOOD or BAD. Omniscient and/or omnipresent beings cannot experience "surprise emotions".
What WHACKY interpretation, given even a moment's thought....
Sab said:
It's such a simple and eloquent parable that has been soiled by greedy men.
"Eloquent"? You're romanticizing again, as it's a quite basic concept being expressed.
It's just the same message made repeatedly throughout the Bible: do what your superiors want you to do, and you will do well; don't, and you'll be killed. Nothing elegant or eloquent about a death threat. It could be taken from a pamphlet called, "How to succeed as a slave!". Lesson: Abuse your owner's physical assets and delegated authority, and you will be cut into pieces by your owner.
It's an inelegant expansion and rewording of an existing aphorism, 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'. That saying was NOT new or novel in 20CE: "don't bite the hand that feeds you" pre-dates Jesus by 600 years, as it is found in Aesop's fables.
For modern readers, it could be condensed as the business principle, "don't piss off your boss" (and is also expressed in many different sayings, eg 'know who butters your bread').
first off, i am unable to post this as a link for some reaon.
sorry to make you copy/paste.
but i had to share.... .
Note the spiel in the front, where Ted asks viewers to:
"Be amazed by the magnitude and intricacy of the physical world around us and to look beyond the awesome material universe and see the qualities and personality of our Grand Creator; this will draw you closer to Him. Is this difficult to do? Not really, but it does require that we make a conscious effort to contemplate YHWH's marvelous creative works. Now, we warmly invite you to draw closer to your loving Heavenly Father as you observe intently some of the wonders of his creation."
What absolute feel-good meaningless awesome quasi-scientific poppy-cock brain-washing! "Look closer at what you see", but don't look TOO close, or dare try to actually understand what you are seeing. Just look at it and say, "Gee, ain't Jeehoover GRAND?!"
Sab, this is exactly the kind of science-fantasy thinking that you were repeating last night, in that other thread (mentioning chaos); the WT claims galaxies engage in a "complex ballet", "like an intricate machine". It's compleatly bogus poetic-sounding nonsense, a 1-hour infomerical for the awe-inspiring power and nature of God (well, the power of the GB/WT, but it's the same thing in the end since JWs support THEIR efforts).
What's amazing to me is that while some people may physically leave the JWs (voluntarily or not), they don't leave the brain-washing behind.
i used to wonder about this when i was still a dub: since they believe the industrialized world is going to be destroyed and the entire earth will be one big garden, exactly what kind of standard of living do they think they will have?
while they might be able to scavenge, say, a microwave oven or washing machine; and they might be able to figure out how to generate electricity, eventually all of these things will wear out and they'll be back in an early 18th century type of life.
people of that time and earlier who enjoyed a high standard of living employed armies of servants to do the dirty work, but since equality will reign in the ns, everyone will have to toil like a slave just to maintain the basics.. or do they think that big j will magically power their washing machines and water pumps and all the stuff that makes modern living so comfortable?.
Kurt Bethel, they're not even going to get the lower pix: there will be no "New System".
The current system is the only one we've ever had, and the only one we'll ever get, so don't waste it!
i began pondering about the reasons why this new light was made and have come to a few theories that may be plausible.
my conclusion is that the society is hell bent on eliminating the discrepancies to their authority.. .
the ancient lineage of the faithful and discreet slave - eliminated.
Leolaia said:
That was precisely the same point I was making too. The appointment occurs when the master goes away, not when he comes back.
Leo, maybe you can add background on the difference between the words used for the TWO separate appointments (upon leaving and upon returning).
Technically the master appoints the FWS as "ruler over his household" when he departs (verse 45), but then appoints him as "ruler over all his goods" when he returns (verse 47) after finding that the head slave faithfully performed the assigned management of the household (i.e. feeding other domestics with meat in due season, etc).
What about the evil slave? How can the Society truly claim securely to be the faithful slave when the 'return of the master' (according to the parable one's identity as the faithful or wicked slave depends on one's conduct AT THE TIME THE MASTER RETURNS, i.e. in OUR FUTURE) doesn't happen until the Great Tribulation?
Not to mention:
Who ever heard of a prophecy that had TWO possible outcomes?
The whole idea of GB turning the FDS parable into a two-tailed prophecy justifying their existence is a conversion that needs a sleight of hand to perform (like Jesus' turning water into wine).
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Sab said:
God started the ball rolling. Before that there was no evil, only purity. With the advent of time (motion) came the problem of evil.
PURE fantasy, Sab, AKA conjecture. There is no scriptural basis to claim that YHWH created time. As in the Book of Mormon broadway show song goes, "You're making things up again, Arnold".
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Sab said:
I stated the hand analogy because we exist in a world where there can never be just the front of a hand. If the front exists the back does also. The same goes for God. With God (Order) comes Evil (Chaos) because God is good and the opposite of good is evil. Therefore evil exists and requires vanquishing.
That's just puking words on the screen, Sab... You're using the form of a logical argument, but form doesn't replace the requirement for a cogent argument. The analogy is nonsense. Why are you using a 3D analogy for God, when just below, you (rightly) realize the invalidity of that logical approach?
I wasn't giving a physcial explanation of existence so why are you holding it to physical standards?
See the irony? You committed the exact offense not one paragraph later.
Sab, you are a gobbedlygook poppycock generator; if you want to write fantasy, then good luck... But even there, you're going to have to use logic so as to create a somewhat-convincing fantasy world (eg Middle Earth in Tolkien's books is internally-consistent, with it's own language, properties, etc).
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Sab said:
God is pure and good which is perfect, but you cannot have the front of a hand without the back of a hand.
Huh? The back of a hand is no more evil or good/pure than the front. That is a completely whack analogy! Simply because you can form a sentence into the form of an analogy doesn't mean it's a valid comparison.
PURE means PURE, unadulterated. Uncorrupted. You cannot tap-dance out of that one.
Eventually as a creator God you are going to have a challenger to your goodness, then what? That's why we need Messiah Kings which are all lead by the King of Kings. So, the real progression is Order->Chaos->Order->Chaos which is a pattern that serves as the momentum for all of existence, imo.
We've been all over your misunderstanding of chaos vs order (where they co-exist now, and always have co-existed), aso it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. You'd do yourself a favor not to mention chaos until you take some courses in physics (at least 1 yr of physics before you get to concepts like chaos, which requires an understanding of calculus, as well).
Sorry Sab, but physics is not a matter of "opinion": you have to learn to 'crawl' (learn the basics) before you can 'fly' (i.e. forming opinions on physics topics. It's just like you cannot form a valid opinion on say Mozart's vs Bach's compositional techniques, without getting a basic understanding of music theory/harmony, and learning the basics of music composition).
i don't want to deceive anyone and i have to clarify a few things so i'm sorry this is going to be a lot more vague then you want.
infact if you do not already realize or also feel something is about to happen as in the title, then move along, it will be a month or 2 before i update this.
it's not my intention to annoy anybody, i am too uncomfortable to post any details because it's too new and i need to verify things, and i am also feeling responsible to give a subtle warning, that it might be something somebody needs to see.
Well, I'll hand it to you: it makes good sense in an arid desert environment where there's no fresh water available... But if there was a SUPPLY of fresh-water nearby (like I suspect there was, in that video), it would just be lazy, or a stoopid party trick to perform when you're incredibly drunk...